Adtech is the acronym for Advertising Technology.
Advertising Technology
Adtech, isn’t an acronym; it’s a portmanteau for advertising technology. Adtech refers to different types of analytics and digital tools used in advertising. Broadly, it encompasses all the technology (software and systems) used for delivering, controlling, and targeting online ads.
This system of tools and solutions is used to manage and analyze campaigns, automate digital advertising processes like programmatic buying and selling, and help organizations understand and optimize their advertising strategy.
Here are some components of Adtech:
- Ad exchanges: These are marketplaces where buying and selling of advertising takes place. They can be thought of as digital versions of ad trading.
- Ad networks: These organizations act as brokers, connecting advertisers to websites that host ads.
- Ad servers: These are used by advertisers and publishers to store and deliver advertising content. They also track ad performance metrics like impressions and clicks.
- Data management platforms (DMPs): These platforms are used for collecting and managing data, and can help create targetable segments for advertisers.
- Demand-side platforms (DSPs): These are used by advertisers to buy ad impressions from exchanges as cheaply and as efficiently as possible.
- Supply-side platforms (SSPs): These are used by online publishers to sell their ad space as lucratively and as efficiently as possible.
While Adtech has enabled more effective and efficient digital advertising, it has also raised concerns about privacy and data management, given the volume of data collected and used.
- Abbreviation: Adtech
- Source: What is Adtech?