Scott Hardigree's Articles on Martech Zone
Email Marketing & Automation
An Insider’s Look at the Future of Email Marketing Software and Services
One of the benefits of living and breathing a niche industry, like operating an email agency, is that it affords one the opportunity to ponder what the future may hold. The following is a future-vision of what email marketing will look like in year 2017 for practitioners, marketers and consumers alike. The Name of the Game Has Changed Fast forward…
Email Marketing & Automation
Is a Visual Business Plan Right for You?
Until now, I’ve started (but never finished) dozens of classic business plans. So I usually just wing it with a "business outline", but secretly wish I had taken the time to map out my long and short terms strategies in greater detail. So this time I've drafted a visual business plan.
Content Marketing
What is an Email Marketing Consultant and Do I Need One?
Email marketing consultants generally take three forms; all of which have skills and experience that are specific to developing effective email marketing strategies. However, their core competencies and offerings vary greatly. So do you need an email consultant? If so, what type? Ask yourself the following questions.
Email Marketing & Automation
The Power of Personalization in Email Marketing
A bad email marketing program is like a really annoying sales person, but with a little effort and a lot of personalization you can turn email into your sales top-producer. Best of all, it's easy and inexpensive to do.
Email Marketing & Automation
8 Guiding Principles to Hiring an Email Marketing Expert
In part one (You Might Need an Email Marketing Expert If...) we discussed when and why it might be a good idea to contract with experts who possess, dedicated, email marketing experience. Now we?ll outline the guiding principles to consider before hiring an email marketing agency, email marketing consultant or in-house email marketing manager.
Email Marketing & Automation
You Might Need an Email Marketing Expert If…
No matter if employ an email marketing agency or in-house talent; this guide will help you to assess your current efforts and get more value from your email marketing.
Content Marketing
The Secret to Successful Email List Rental & Email Newsletter Advertising
If you're an advertiser who has, or is planning, to include 3rd-party email into your marketing mix this post will help to use the email marketing channel more successfully and get a better ROI, with smaller budgets. In the end, it will help list owners, too. After all a happy advertiser is a repeat advertiser.
Email Marketing & Automation
How to Set Email Subscriber Expectations and WIN!
Are your email subscribers clicking through to your websites, ordering your products, or registering for your events, as expected? No? Instead are they simply unresponsive, unsubscribing or (gasp) complaining? If so, perhaps you're not clearly establishing mutual expectations.