Samantha Ulita's Articles on Martech Zone
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Samantha Ulita
Samantha Ulita is the Director of Online Client Reviews at Cyberbacker, the leading provider of virtual assistant services worldwide. With an unwavering commitment to client satisfaction behind Cyberbacker's client feedback journey, Ulita weaves together a tapestry of feedback that champions the voices of business owners in North America and the dedicated Cyberbackers in the Philippines who underpin the company's success. Her expertise extends to daily review site monitoring, embracing both positive and negative feedback, and she excels in adeptly handling communication during challenging moments. She has a watchful eye on social media's heartbeat and skillfully turns sentiments into practical strategies, fostering transparency, growth, and an unparalleled sense of togetherness within Cyberbacker's diverse community.
Search Marketing
Samantha UlitaNov 6, 2023
The Art of Asking Customers for Reviews: 5 Insider Tips and Tricks
In my experience, many businesses underutilize an important way to build credibility with prospective customers — asking their current clients for reviews. If approached correctly, however, having positive online testimonials can be one of the most effective ways to convert leads into sales. Below, I explain effective review strategies to help you not only reach your target audience but also…