What’s the Probability Your Social Media Strategy Will Provide a Return on Investment?
This week, a client we’re consulting with was asking why the content they’ve been working so hard on doesn’t seem to be making a difference. This client hasn’t worked to develop their following on social media, instead of applying most of their efforts into outbound marketing.
We provided them with a snapshot of the size of their audience in social media compared to their competitors – and then provided the impact it had on how the competitor’s content was shared. The numbers are huge… that amplification of a large audience on social media is drowning out virtually everyone in the space. In order to compete with content, our client has to compete on social media, too!
In order to be successful in marketing your business on social media, you need to invest time and resources. This decision tree helps you see if you’re ready to launch a full-scale social media effort that will lead to more attention and business leads.
Nowadays, I might add an additional question and that’s whether or not you can afford to promote your content on social media through the use of promoted profiles and content. If you’re a company just launching your social media efforts, you can acquire traction faster with an investment in building your audience faster.
Lucky for you, the social media platforms have some great tools and targeting opportunities to do just that. On platforms like Facebook, you may even get better traction with promoted content than just through your company’s page.
Disclosure: I’m using our Wrike affiliate link.