Recollective: Free Online Surveys and Focus Group Research

Recollective Baseline is an easy-to-use tool that brings focus group type research online and allows you to connect with your audiences to understand why and how your audiences think and act as they do and uncover new and actionable insights for your business. Audiences include your customers, employees, members, investors, students and social networks.

Recollective Baseline brings the process of examining behaviours and emotional reactions through in-person focus groups online and gives you access to the same tool the Pros use. Users of the service seek feedback on unique ideas, gain a better understanding of their customer and test ad and marketing concepts. On the free platform, which is optimize for mobile, groups of people can be engaged and asked open-ended questions to which they can respond in text, images, videos, files, and other rich media exercises – including interactive markers with a heat map of results – in an easy and organized process.

Post designs, logos or anything else in any file format and have people use interactive markers to pinpoint exactly what they like and don’t like on the image. The creator will be delivered with the results in a heat map.

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Track your responses with Recollective Baseline in real-time using innovative analysis tools. Browse incoming data as visual overviews, run reports, or generate transcripts.

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