Three Ways Marketing Agencies Are Innovating and Growing Value With Their Clients

Digital marketing is one of the fastest-evolving industries. Driven by economic instability and fast-emerging technology, it changes yearly. Is your marketing agency keeping up with all those changes, or are you providing the same service you did ten years ago?

Don’t get me wrong: It is perfectly ok to be good at one specific thing and have years of experience doing that. It is probably the best kind of marketing agency: One with a very narrow specialization.

Yet, innovation can enhance even that one service you are good at. 

Here are three ideas for your marketing agency to innovate this year to help you create new revenue streams as well as find and retain more clients:

1. Take Your Customer Relationship Building to the Next Level

Customer support is no longer enough these years, no matter how efficient and prompt it is.

In business-to-business (B2B) marketing, decision-making units are becoming bigger and more versatile to the point that you never know who exactly your next phone call is going to be with, even if that’s a long-term client. 

In most cases, it is not even about the quality of the service you are providing but whether those new people in your client’s decision-making unit (DMU) understand what it is you are doing and why – that defines the lifetime of that client.

Keeping on top of all those DMU changes means keeping that client for longer.

A platform that helps small businesses to manage their appointments, payments, and customer relationships, vcita now allows agencies to set up a co-branded app to offer to their clients on a subscription basis. This allows clients to streamline lead nurture flows via email and SMS, and see them through to sales conversion and revenue, further driving home the business value of your agency’s activity. 

Moreover, seeing your logo in the digital environment they use to manage their businesses will help keep you top-of-mind as an essential partner.


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2. Embrace Marketing Automation

In the early days of digital marketing, automation was the way to scale a task to the point that it became spammy. Marketers used automation to automatically generate content that sounded weird and submit those articles to hundreds of low-quality article directories.

These days, automation enables you to do what you could never have done before. This includes:

3. Examples of Innovative Marketing Automation Solutions

WebCEO offers a solid SEO tasks automation platform that automates rankings monitoring and alerts, regular SEO reporting, and competitor monitoring. It offers a white-label option allowing your agency to include SEO reporting into your current marketing offering easily:

WebCEO offers a 14-day free trial which you can use to make sure the platform works for you!

Start your WebCEO Free Trial

Find an AI-Driven Technology Partner

Put simply, artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine to think and react as a human being would. Naturally, it also comes with the ability to self-teach itself to react differently to similar situations based on various criteria (like past experiences with the situation, emotions involved, etc.).

Artificial intelligence is taking digital marketing by storm, making many tactics possible and accessible to small businesses, those that previously didn’t have budgets to embrace high-end technology.

These days AI is widely used for lots of purposes, including:

Innovative Examples of AI-Driven Solutions

There are lots of examples of marketing tools that utilize AI. My most recent finds use AI in a more unexpected way.

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Technology disrupts how consumers discover, research, compare, and buy products online—obviously, digital marketing needs to keep up with these changes in consumer behavior and adapt. 

The above innovation ideas will get your agency started but is in no way an exhaustive list. Every agency is unique, and the innovation process never ends as your clients need to adjust to their fast-changing customers’ expectations. 

Innovate your agency every year. Include innovation in your yearly marketing and technology budget.

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