Hello, I’m a Mac. And I’m a PC.
We all love Apple’s commercials that poke fun at PCs. While I’m an Apple household, I think that sometimes Mac users are a bit over the top of how great their platform is, so I decided to poke a little fun at the campaign.
Hello, I’m a Mac.
And I’m a PC.
PC: I have RAM, a Motherboard, a Processor, a Mouse, a Keyboard, a hard drive and a Monitor.
Mac: I do, too. And since they’re all made by the same folks that make my Operating System, they work better. It’s a lot less code to handle.
PC: I see. I’m a little less expensive since you can mix and match thousands of options and even build me yourself. I may not work as well as you, but I support millions more devices. Unfortunately, when someone writes something crappy, it may mess me up.
Mac: Makes sense, that’s why we don’t let other people make our stuff. I hope you work on that. Hey, at least we can talk to each other!
PC: Sure can! You can see me on your network, I can see you on mine. We both support Wireless, Bluetooth, Firewire and USB.
Mac: Sometimes I dress a little cooler than you do, though.
PC: Yea, but if folks are willing to spend a little more, I can look quite nice. Heck, I can even look like you with some nice theme software.
Mac: Wow. And since we have the same processors now, I can actually run your software with Parallels.
PC: You can? That seems a little one-sided, doesn’t it?
Mac: Sure… but no one really complains because you’re one of those ‘business’ monsters that all us cool guys are supposed to hate.
PC: Hate away, buddy! That way know one really cares as you (Apple) walks away with $472 million in profits with a 48% profit margin. It’s ironic that it makes me look evil for working with everyone, while you don’t share anything and make great profits, too.
Mac: Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone. After all, we’re coming out with a phone soon that’s going to be a big seller.
PC: A phone? Wow… didn’t those come out quite a while ago?
Mac: Yeah, but we’re going to make it cooler.
PC: How much cooler?
Mac: 50%-profit-margin-cooler.
PC: Wow. With those types of margins, you’d think you could drop your prices a little. After all, artists and musicians don’t make too much money… do they?
Mac: No, but they’re willing to spend more on creative, cool stuff.
PC: It’s good to be cool.
Mac: All the way to the bank, buddy!
NOTE: Written and posted from a MacBook Pro