Angelina Lugova's Articles on Martech Zone
Total articles: 2
Angelina Lugova
Lina is the Head of Marketing at EPOM. She also has intensive experience in leading communication across multiple platforms, from traditional media to influencers. At EPOM, she creates consumer awareness and drives customer preference for the brand through all digital marketing channels every day.
Advertising Technology
Angelina LugovaJan 9, 2024
2024 Predictions: What’s Changed In AdTech And How Will It Impact Advertising This Year?
2024 is here, having brought new waves of anticipation and optimism about the state of AdTech. From the overwhelming impact of artificial intelligence (AI) to the brand wars with ad blockers – this past year was saturated with events. We’ve seen how trends emerged and died out, the power struggle between open web publishers and walled gardens, the incredible growth…
Advertising Technology
Angelina LugovaSep 22, 2021
7 Signs You Do Not Need An Ad Server
Most ad tech providers will try to convince you that you need an ad server, especially if you’re a high-volume ad network because that is what they are trying to sell. It is a powerful piece of software and can deliver measurable optimization to certain ad networks and other tech players, but an ad server is not the right solution…