Chris Bross's Articles on Martech Zone
Advertising Technology
Google Ads Policy: Be Sure To Follow Those Rules!
Have your text ads been disapproved for editorial or trademark violations? If you did everything correctly, why are you getting yelled at by Google? AdWords never immediately informs you, too many text ads to review at one time. They have algorithms that will detect your text ad if you have violated their policy. The detection is always after the fact…
Marketing Infographics
How does Google Adwords Adrank Work?
We’ve seen too many clients coming to us after losing tons of money running their pay per click (PPC) campaigns on their own. It’s not that they didn’t pay attention or manage the accounts appropriately, it’s simply that they didn’t know how to impact their results and actually improve them. Most people believe pay per click is simply a bidding…
Content Marketing
Conversions, Content and Rock Operas
What does the Who’s Rock Opera Tommy have to do with website Conversion? Only everything! The legendary rock group The Who transformed Rock & Roll with their Landmark Rock Opera Tommy (1969). Want to transform your website Conversion Rates (2011)? “How do you think he does it? “I don’t know.” “What makes him so good?” What makes him so good?…
Advertising Technology
PPC versus SEO: Spy vs. Spy
Does anyone remember the old Spy vs. Spy comics? Funny stuff! Each Spy always scheming to outdo the other. There is a similar business mindset today when companies are considering a search engine marketing strategy. Business’s immediately pick sides: Pay Per Click (PPC) versus Organic Search (SEO). The goal of a search marketing strategy is to generate leads or sales.…
Search Marketing
Who’s Your Search Engine Marketing Villain?
It doesn’t matter how much initial education you put into a new engagement, a Search Engine Marketing Villain will pop up when you least expect it. I have identified a short list of the Villains that we seem to come across when engaging new prospects. Can you relate to any of these? Lack of Goals Don’t Tell How Much You Want…