How Pay-Per-Click Will Enhance Your Inbound Marketing Efforts
An important conversation that’s going on today is how to allocate your money with your inbound marketing efforts. Marketers, on average, are using over 13 different tactics in their strategies to attract new leads (source: Content Marketing Institute), including infographics, blogging, email campaigns, videos, etc. So, how do we figure out where to spend it and how much to spend?
The inbound marketing strategy looks different for each business and industry. Budgets vary as well. But the important part of any inbound marketing strategy is using the resources available as effectively as possible to generate qualified leads. One tactic that is definitely showing results is pay-per-click (PPC), and I am recommending incorporating this paid tactic more and more each day.
For the majority of my clients, pay-per-click campaigns are needed and they’re working. Why? Because we’re working with our clients to:
- hone in on relevant keyword combinations (organic and paid) for PPC campaigns
- spend time on figuring out how to decrease their cost per acquisition (CPA)
- allocate a budget for PPC campaigns each month
In other words, PPC works, but it takes time to really show results, like any other successful marketing tactic.
Part of this process is identifying which keywords are working for competitors and having a better understanding of the competitive landscape. We worked with Ispionage, a great search marketing tool, to create an infographic about how PPC campaigns can enhance your inbound marketing strategy. Along the way, we found some great stats about why PPC is working for everyone from Mom & Pop shops to huge corporations (and why Ispionage is facilitating those campaigns).