Content Marketing

You Won’t Be Blogging Forever

When I speak to folks about blogging, many ask me if blogging is here to stay.


Asking someone if blogging will be here forever is like asking the guys who printed their newspapers with the Gutenberg press the same question. Like the free press, blogging will evolve with technology, bloggers with huge followings will be bought out, and blogs will become integrated and embedded with other communication mediums.

Blogging is fast becoming the medium and strategy for corporations. Still, it won’t take long before its swollen ego shrinks back to just another communication method that’s up there with signage, location, email, websites, and social media interaction.

Talented bloggers will be depended upon to help companies move the needle. The next few years will be great for bloggers, who will continue to be swept up by larger organizations either on a consulting or full-time basis. That’s good to hear. This whole thing has been worth it – honesty and transparency can bring success.

Where’s Blogging Going?

There will be something new to blogging in the future, just as with newspapers… but it won’t take a hundred and fifty years. My vision of a future blogger may involve a speech-to-text voice recognition passed through a grammatical filter, with smart algorithms that organize the content and auto-generated interactive views into related subject matter available over the web.

Corporate Blogging will probably fall back into marketing in the Future, even though we’re fighting like hell to keep it out of there today. We fight it now because Marketing awards are usually given for perfection, beauty, and finesse—not results, reality, and transparency. Bloggers and blogging don’t fit into the seasoned Marketing Executive’s cubicle farm.

Once companies realize their success is attributed to how effectively they communicate and foster relationships with their clients and prospects, Marketing departments will begin to appreciate someone having the balls to get on a blog and tell it like it is. When they do, marketing will change and companies will be better for it.

When it becomes a mainstream factor in corporations, it will change life for independent bloggers like me. Companies will seek out those with a following who can write well and pull them into their bag of goodies. If I were running a major corporation today, I’d pad my web presence with bloggers today—before they’re all gone tomorrow.

When everyone is blogging, we’ll either get promoted to someone else’s spotlight or fade into obscurity. Please don’t get comfortable; we won’t be here for long.

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Douglas Karr

Douglas Karr is CMO of OpenINSIGHTS and the founder of the Martech Zone. Douglas has helped dozens of successful MarTech startups, has assisted in the due diligence of over $5 bil in Martech acquisitions and investments, and continues to assist companies in implementing and automating their sales and marketing strategies. Douglas is an internationally recognized digital transformation and MarTech expert and speaker. Douglas is also a published author of a Dummie's guide and a business leadership book.
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