Visa’s Single Sign-On Checkout is a Winner!
Single sign-in has been proven effective across the board – either utilizing social logins to complete landing page forms, or now by using payment technologies to quickly convert a customer. Visa offers a single-sign on system called Visa Checkout that already has wide adoption.
With rapid growth over the last 10 months, Visa Checkout has seen significant adoption and conversation rates. They’ll be kicking off some large co-marketing and advertising campaigns this summer. So far, they’ve made quite a splash in the industry, though.
- 4 million customer accounts
- More than 125,000 large and small merchants
- 260 financial institution partners
In a recent comScore study (see below), it was revealed that Visa Checkout merchants have seen an average of 69% conversion rate for existing users making a purchase. This is 66% higher than conversion rates reported with traditional online checkout
The average order placed with Visa Checkout was 7% percent higher than orders placed on retail and travel sites with other payment options. A separate report by Millward Brown found that 95% percent of Visa Checkout customers said signing up was easy and 96% said they felt secure using it.
Visa also will be making significant the co-marketing and advertising campaigns to kick off the summer.