9 Statistics on the Impact of a Mobile User Experience
Have you ever done a search for your website on Google and seen the Mobile-Friendly tag on it? Google even has a mobile-friendly testing page where you can take a look at issues with your site. It’s a pretty good test that analyzes elements and makes sure that they’re spaced well and visible. Mobile-friendly is not mobile optimized, though. It’s just the baseline and doesn’t look at actual user behavior of mobile users on your site.
Every modern business owner will soon have no choice—you must have a strong mobile online presence, not just for helping out your mobile customers, but for getting found by them in the first place! Rahul Alim, CustomCreatives.com
A responsive website that’s been optimized for the mobile user has incredible advantages. First, the user that visits both via desktop and mobile will have a similar experience, enabling them to navigate and find the information they need easily. Second, the branding will match beautifully. Third, the site can load quickly… rather than redirecting traffic, CSS does the heavy lifting.
Why spend time on mobile optimization? Here are 9 statistics that prove the return on investment on optimizing your mobile experience:
- 33% of all potential sales fail when a business’ website is not mobile optimized
- 40% of people will search for an alternate site if the first result isn’t mobile optimized
- 45% of people age 18-20 use their smartphone to search online every day
- 80% of consumers complete atleast some of their shopping via smartphone every month
- 67% of all mobile phone owners use their smartphone to browse the web
- 25% of internet users in the US only access the web via a mobile device
- 61% of consumers have a better opinion of companies with a good mobile experience
- 57% of people won’t recommend a business if it has a less than adequate mobile site
- 70% of all online moible searches lead to a consumer taking action within an hour