Michael Reynolds's Articles on Martech Zone
Content Marketing
Why Website RFPs Don’t Work
As a digital agency in business since 1996, we’ve had the opportunity to create hundreds of corporate and non-profit websites. We’ve learned plenty along the way and have gotten our process down to a well-oiled machine. Our process starts with a website blueprint, which allows us to do some initial prep work and hammer out details with the client before…
Sales Enablement
Five Business Phone Practices That Damage Your Brand
Running a small business is difficult and stressful. You are constantly wearing multiple hats, putting out fires, and trying to make every dollar stretch as far as possible. You are focusing on your website, your finances, your employees, your customers, and your brand and hoping you can make good decisions every time. Unfortunately, with all the directions small business owners…
Content Marketing
How To Find Ideas For Blog Posts Using Google
As you may know, blogging is a great content marketing activity and can lead to improved search engine rankings, stronger credibility, and a better social media presence. However, one of the most difficult aspects of blogging can be getting ideas. Blog ideas can come from many sources, including customer interactions, current events, and industry news. However, another great way to…
Email Marketing & Automation
Increase Your Email Productivity With Offline Mode
Most people who know me are aware of my love affair with Inbox Zero. First made popular by Merlin Mann, Inbox Zero is a method of managing your email and keeping your inbox empty. It’s a great email productivity system. I’ve taken the concepts, distilled them a bit further, and added a few new twists. I also teach educational sessions…
Mobile and Tablet Marketing
Stop Hiding from Your Visitors
It still amazes me how many companies hide from their customers. I was doing some research last week on iPhone app developers because I have a client who is in need of an iPhone app. I asked some people on Twitter. Douglas Karr gave me some referrals and I also knew of one referral from a previous conversation with another…
Email Marketing & Automation
No, Email Is NOT Dead!
I noticed this tweet from Chuck Gose yesterday. It referenced an article on the New York Times website called Email: Press Delete. Every so often, we all see these types of articles that make the cry that email is dead! and suggest that we should look at the habits of the younger generation to see how we will communicate in…